Monday, October 24, 2016

Valliant Mill Employee Appreciation Picnic

Every year, the mill Guy works at does an employee appreciation picnic for the employees and their families. The picnic is pretty awesome! Everything is free and there are a ton of activities. They had kids bingo (and adults bingo), bouncy houses, the giant bubbles to play in, rock climbing, pumpkin patch for kids, inflatable corn maze, fair food, lunch, mini golf, yard games, a raffle for the adults, and many more. There was a lot to see and do!! The down side was that Guy was in the middle of an outage so he had to work the day of the picnic. He was able to get away for pretty much the entire activity though. Some of Guy's coworkers participated in the sand volleyball tournament. Having run 17 miles that morning I opted out of playing and instead chatted with a fellow wife and took pictures. There were 3 teams in the tournament and they participated in a double elimination system. Guy's team lost the first match, won the second, and then lost in the final game. (The team that beat them had won all of the games.) Guy's team wasn't too bad, but the other team was really good!
The mini golf course

We felt like we needed a "corn maze" photo. 

Guy is in the back row..far left

Getting ready to serve

Guy earned 3 points with his serving skills!

Last game...waiting for the ball to come in bounds

Guy's got this one!

But just missed this one!

IP does a good job with family friendly activities. The picnic was a lot of fun. Later that night we came home and watched The Choice on DVD. I decided that it was my least favorite of the Nicholas Sparks books to movies. Shame, I really enjoyed the book. 

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