Sunday, June 19, 2016

May's Adventure

Terrible of me..but this is Pax and Zeus 
May was a whirlwind of a month. We literally had something going on every week that month. To start with, Guy and I officially signed the paperwork to close on our first house on May 3rd. It was pretty crazy! The drama was pretty intense up until the signing of the paperwork. I was really grateful that Guy's final schedule wasn't too difficult and that he was able to field and answer and put out the fires as they came along. We we're blessed along the way and it was nice to still feel comforted even with all of the craziness. We will have a separate blog post about the house. Moving on....

First time graduation has been in Jack Trice
President Leath (ISU president)
The first weekend of May (7th) was also Guy's graduation. We can now officially report that he has graduated with his Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. The diploma came in the mail last week. We also found out that in Guy's last semester of college he got all A's! I know he was really excited for straight A's in the last semester. (Side note: each semester since we've been married his GPA has increased). Originally Guy didn't want to do the University wide graduation but the department of Mechanical Engineering doesn't do a department specific graduation. The department does do a send off type of breakfast however, each graduate is only allowed 6 guests. Since that wasn't going to work with our guest list we decided the university one it was! To celebrate his graduation Guy wanted to have a BBQ with family and then open it up and have Rootbeer Floats with friends as a graduation party. The weather wasn't super cooperative though. It rained off and on throughout the morning and sprinkled during the graduation. However it was still a nice day. My parents were able to come in from Colorado to spend the weekend with us celebrating the graduation and visiting. We also had Jim, Shari and Ginny come for the graduation ceremony. 2 of Guy's brothers and their families were also able to come for the BBQ dinner afterwards. It was kind of nice since this was the last experience really that Guy would get with his family before heading off for Texas. It was also nice to be able to say goodbye to a lot of the people we've gotten to know in Ames over the last few years.

Hard to see...but Guy is the person just outside of the tent. 
Guy graduating!!
Yay, empty diploma case!

It was also nice to be able to spend time with both of our mothers since Sunday was Mother's Day.

The following weekend we spent getting the last of the stuff ready to move. We did have a moving company move us, but we still needed to go through and make sure we had some of the stuff pulled that the company wouldn't move. We also needed to figure out what Guy would be using (in terms of cookware) before the moving truck came, as well as items that to stay with me since I was staying in Ames for the summer. That night we did our last official date for a while due to the pending time off. We went and saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens on the jumbotron in Jack Trice Stadium. I enjoyed being able to sit on the field and reminisce about all of our adventures at Iowa State. The movie was a good way to say goodbye.
We bought a lawn mower

3 days later (17th) we were back to Chillicothe to do one last sweep of the Lasley home and make sure we had all of Guy's stuff as well as attend Ginny's graduation from Indian Hills. The ceremony was nice and I think Ginny mentioned it was one of the largest classes to graduate from Indian Hills. No trip to Chillicothe is complete without a stop at Graham's for ice cream! Graham's is one of the places Guy and I are going to miss most about Iowa. We both got crunch cones. We left late that night since I needed to be back in Ames Wednesday for work.

2 days after that (19th) our moving company came; boxed all of the stuff; and loaded the truck. I took the day off of work to be able to help supervise. Having moved a lot when I was younger I knew the gist of the drill. We've helped a lot of people move from Ames and Guy's moved a few times in his life. His response after the movers left was, "so nice! You don't have to really do anything it's laid back and easy!" I think we've decided that if we move a lot with IP we will definitely opt for the movers versus moving ourselves and getting reimbursed. The loader of our goods said they have a bet about how much the household goods weigh and whoever is the closest gets lunch for the day from the crew. Guy and I entered the bet and we lost miserably. Turns out we had over 5,000 pounds of stuff!!  That night we ate dinner in Des Moines with my mom's mom. She threw me a belated graduation party since I didn't have one when I graduated two years ago. It was very thoughtful of her for all the time and work she put into it. I enjoyed the cards and sentimental gifts.

Getting ready to load the truck

Goodbye stuff! See you in TX!
We spent the rest of the weekend attending graduation parties and saying goodbye to friends. Guy really wanted to try Fong's pizza before we moved so we had Crab Ragoon pizza with Kirsten on Friday.

Guy left Sunday for our new adventure in Paris. He spent Sunday night with his brother Pete in Trenton, MO. It was sad to see him go but we're both excited for all of the new adventures in Texas. He got to Texas Monday morning and was able to pick up the house keys, get the electricity turned on, and get water in the house all on the same day! Which was really nice since Texas isn't cool. It also turned out that the seller's had taken the fridge with them when they moved so we had to go buy one (which didn't come until May 31). Guy was also able to buy a washer and dryer right away for the house!

Jenni, Allison, Guy and Thad 5/25/13
On May 25, Guy and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. Except....we didn't really celebrate it because he was in Texas and I was in Iowa. We're hoping to celebrate it for real later this summer once I get to Texas down in Dallas. Hard to believe it's been 3 years already. We joked about it and I said I gave him the best anniversary gift....our household goods! Guy was grateful to be able to sleep in our bed that night instead of the cot he had been sleeping on.

I joined Guy a few days later down in Texas. It was nice because Guy had left all of the boxes mostly packed so that together we could go through everything and set the house up together. That was nice so we both roughly know where everything is in the house. The house wasn't super clean when we got there so even though it was a pain, it was nice to know that the house is now "clean" with all of our stuff in it.

On Memorial Day, we biked the Trail de Paris with a 2 families from church. We enjoyed talking and getting to know the families a little better. One of the families had us over for dinner that night. We were both super grateful because the whole no fridge thing was getting tiring. We had bought a lot of ice for our "makeshift" fridge/cooler. The fridge came the following day and boy we're we grateful.

Guy had his first day at work on May 31st. He loves it! The people are friendly and the company is fantastic. He said there were 9 other trainees in his group starting. A good mix of interns and maybe 2 or 3 full time hires. They get paid on the last day of the month. So he got paid for the one day of work. Kind of nice that he got that and we don't have to wait until July before we essentially see anything.

Alright...that basically sums up May. Like I said it was a crazy month....

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