We went back for Woodbadge the first weekend of October. The weather was cooler but I wasn't sick so it was much more enjoyable. When we all got back to Gilwell field we presented the flags that we made while we were on our 2 week break. Guy designed the totem (the drawing) on his flag and a different member of his patrol put it together. Someone else in my patrol designed and put ours together.
Guy's Patrol Flag |
During the second weekend each patrol was responsible for cooking their own food. I was responsible for cooking the purchasing the food for my patrol. To be honest, I was worried about having enough food. Turns out we had more than enough and Guy and I have been working on finishing some of the left overs. Both of our patrols ate well. I now have a reuben dutch oven recipe as well as cornbread and did I mention...ribs!
Buffalo Patrol |
Friday night we had an outdoor fire. Each patrol preformed either a skit or a song. Guy's patrol sang and led the camp in the closing song. My patrol did a skit. Our skit is known as "pick pocketer." Basically the audience is observing a pick pocket in person. The last attempt of pick pocketing, the pickpocket is caught and flipped over by the person they are trying to pick pocket from. Since I was the smallest person in my patrol, I was the one flipped over. After the campfire my patrol was trying to finalize our presentation for the next day and the SPL and our troop guide came to get us so that we could work on writing our ticket. The ticket is 5 goals you go home to work on to finish and complete the course. We spent most of the night writing them but then at least we were done!
Fox Patrol |
Saturday when Guy and I were both Patrol Leaders (we're on the far side) |
Saturday was one of my favorite days of the entire course. Guy and I found out that ironically we were both the patrol leaders that day for camp. (Wasn't planned just fate). In the morning all of the patrols presented their group projects. The projects were interesting. One patrol presented about 7 of the original merit badges that are still in use today. Another patrol talked about the Maytag Scout Center ( I learned a lot ), another presented about the various awards you can learn. The antelopes presented and walked through all of the scouting programs from cubs to venture. Another patrol presented about woodbadge courses in other parts of the world. Guy's patrol presented about uniform changes through scouting. My patrol presented about some of the major changes to merit badges through out the history of scouting.
That afternoon we participated in the leadership/team building games. My patrol did great! We completed all but one of the activities. Guy's patrol had a little tougher time. One of the activities was trying to get your team through a rope barricade. His group struggled with it because the holes were smaller and some of his bigger patrol members wouldn't fit through at all. I really enjoyed the activities!
Trying to flip the island without touching the water |
Directing my patrol in how we move in the game |
Balancing the ball on a ring by using ropes |
Buffalos trying to figure out |
My patrol on the island |
Saturday night was patrol night. So we spent the rest of the evening with our patrols doing our own thing.
Troop Guides having finished their skit |
It was hard to believe that it was already Sunday. Sunday went by pretty quick. My patrol had everything torn down and cleaned up before flag ceremony at 8. The troop guides had a great skit. They had choreographed this chair/drill routine. We also did the scout own service on Sunday. Afterwards we had the final presentation and the hanging of our patrols in the lodge where they will stay from now on. We had potluck style lunch with each patrol bringing a different dish to share. It was delicious!
Now Guy and I are working on our ticket trying to finish by the end of May.
Getting our "ticket" punched |
The staff of C5-177-15 |
We had a lot of fun at Woodbadge and we both learned a lot! I would highly encourage anyone to attend regardless of your position in scouting.
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