Sunday, July 12, 2015

Radke Wedding

The last weekend of June, one of Guy's best friends from high school (Kirsten) got married. Kirsten and Scott are living in Ames, so we've been able to spend time with them as well. Jim and Shari came and met us in Ames, then we carpooled to the ceremony.
If you look closely you can see Scott pushing the wheelbarrow

I didn't get a picture of the church but it was gorgeous. They had a lot of stained glass windows depicting several different bible stories. After the ceremony, Kirsten and Scott greeted each of us as we were dismissed by row so we didn't have to wait in the long line to greet them as they left. 

LtoR: Paul, Guy, Jenna, Kirsten, Sara T, Sara L
Also, the tradition there (to my understanding) is that the groom is suppose to push the bride down the hill by the church in a wheel barrow. Usually there's a car waiting at the bottom so that the groom doesn't have to push the bride back up as well.

First Dance
They had their reception in Storm Lake at Buena Vista University. They had a large reception, but it was open seating so we were able to sit with some of his friends from high school that were also there. Paul Fenton's comment when we got in line for our food was "BACON BITS FOR OUR SALAD!?!?! YES!!!!!" I really liked that they had included a kids' buffet option where they served potato smiles and chicken nuggets. 

We danced a little at the reception but mostly we sat around and talked with some of his old friends. 

We're glad Kirsten and Scott will be sticking around in Ames for at least 1 more year!

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