Sunday, February 7, 2016

Our First Iowa Caucus

This year Guy and I figured that we needed to participate in the Iowa Caucus. Neither of us had ever participated and we decided that with our last election year for a while in Iowa we needed to participate. We found our caucus location and it wasn't too far away. The traffic wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We had some bad weather coming in but I don't think there was more than 100 people at our caucus. I thought the whole process was pretty boring. We showed up and signed in. Then we sat down. They did some part business like voting for the secretary then the chair person. After that  3 minutes were devoted for a representative from each candidate to speak. Some of the candidates didn't have someone and in that case we just skipped them. We then voted on who we wanted as a candidate. While they were counting the ballots representatitve Stephen King showed up and talked about the candidates and he endorsed Ted Cruz. They returned and told us who won our precinct which was Rubio, followed by Cruz, in third was Trump, and Carson was 4th. Guy and I left shortly after that as there wasn't too much left other than city business.

They counted ballots behind us

Representatitve Stephen King
We're glad we participated in the caucus and now we can say that we are true Iowan's and have done our civic duty. Plus that way when we get to Texas we can say we have participated!

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