February 13th we celebrated Guy's 26th birthday. He woke up saying that he felt old, I think it had more to do with the fact that he was fighting some kind of bug all week. Guy chose what he wanted for breakfast so after sleeping in, we went to Target and picked up Toaster Strudels and Chocolate Milk. He was glad he was able to try them. After breakfast he wanted to open his presents. For his birthday he got: money, a knife sharpener and a new concealed carry holster. His holster was delayed coming due to the Valentine's rush so he wasn't able to open my gift until Wednesday when it came. It was pretty cold on Guy's birthday so we weren't able to go outside and go shooting like he wanted too. So, after opening presents we went to Salvation Army, and then Goodwill. Guy tried on a few different things, but he didn't find anything for himself. He did however find me a sweet Iowa State zip up hoodie and a new Marmot jacket! We spent a grand total of $6! Ha! We also stopped by the library to pick up a movie to watch and to look around and see if we wanted to pick anything else out. After the grand shopping adventure and outing we came back and ate some lunch and I finished making Guy's

birthday cake. For his birthday cake he wanted to have the same cake he's had for the past 2 years. It's a peanut butter/german chocolate cake made with a cream cheese frosting. In the 3 years I've made it, I learned it tastes the best when you use all name brand ingredients and not just the Aldi generic brands. Guy said the cake will be his new birthday tradition.
Kirsten Radke came over that night to help us celebrate. For dinner Guy wanted: Aldi brats, Aldi 'cardboard' sausage pizza, Sun Chips (Garden Salsa variety) and French Onion dip. He said it all tasted great! I added a salad to the mix for a vegetable. We also watched the Martian that night since Kirsten hadn't seen it. Loved the movie even after a second time! Kirsten's husband Scott had to work that night so we sent a piece of cake home to him.
On Sunday (the 14th) we somewhat celebrated Valentine's Day. I made banana muffins for breakfast while Guy went to his early church meeting. We ate breakfast together once he got home. We also made chocolate dipped strawberries. I learned to store them on the counter when you are done making them, and to not dip the strawberries if they are still wet. After church we went to the Taylor's for Sunday dinner. For dinner we had roast beef, potatoes, corn and bread. They made Guy a snowman birthday cake!
Mother nature gave Guy warmer weather the weekend after his birthday, so we were able to go out and go shooting like he wanted to do this year to celebrate. He had a great birthday and is looking forward to all of the new adventures in 2016!
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