Sunday, March 22, 2015

2 Funerals and a little Fun

Last Sunday, my mom's step mother (Loretta) passed away. She's had some health problems the last few years but in January her cardiac problems got really bad. Loretta wanted to be cremated so her daughters decided that's what they would do. My mom talked to her Dad and they ended up deciding to have a memorial service for her as well as doing the family dinner.

My aunt, Karl, Guy and I were unable to attend the memorial Friday night but my dad did send us a picture from the service. My sister, Rachel, said that it was a good service and that they all enjoyed seeing the Valentine family.  My mom's dad (Denny) will be coming to stay with my parents for a few weeks. It'll be nice to see him more often. Also most of his siblings live in Colorado so he'll be a little closer to them.

(LtoR): Brain (Katie's fiance), Rachel, my mom Wendy, Denny Valentine, Katie
Lydia Fjeld also passed away recently. Guy's mom was baptized about a month before Lydia was baptized a member of the church, when they lived in Missouri. They were also Visiting Teaching companions. They stayed in touch over the years and had many experiences that they shared. In fact, Guy's sister's middle name came from Lydia. So Lydia was close to the Lasley clan.

Lydia and my great-grandma Frances Taylor were both deans of different home economic programs. In talking with my grandparents, we learned that Lydia and Frances had served on several national home economic boards/projects together.  They use to have dinner together/do something together each time my great grandma came to town. I know my family interacted with her in Ames when she moved here as well.

Guy's parents came up the night before the funeral. It was nice to be able to spend time chatting with them. We also watched Big Hero 6 with them. Jim enjoyed it and Shari enjoyed the parts she was awake for.
 Pete, Emily and family also came up for the funeral. After the funeral we were all able to get lunch before Jim and Shari had to leave. We took them to the new public library for a bit and the kids had fun playing. Afterwards Guy and Pete went to Lowes and Sam's club, while Emily and I took the kids back home for games and a snack.

We went with them to dinner at our favorite resturant (Jethro's BBQ). The take away lesson we learned is that the kids meal portions are HUGE!

While this week was more somber it was nice to have Saturday to relax and spend time with family. We're looking forward to heading to Chillicothe this weekend to celebrate Jim's birthday!

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