My parents came down to spend Labor Day Weekend and see our house. They arrived late Friday night. On Saturday we took my parents to the Eiffel tower and the Red River Veteran's Memorial. Each time Guy and I have gone to the memorial they've added more to it. They now have benches and pillars talking about each war. There was also a chile festival going on at the same time.
Retired flag box |
Red River Valley Veterans Memorial |
At the Veteran's Memorial (Eiffel Tower on the right) |
My parents under the Eiffel tower |
On Saturday we took my parents to hike on the Trail de Paris. The trail stretches from east to west across the 3 surrounding towns. The goal is to ultimately make the trail over 100 miles across a few states as part of the rails to trails program. We hiked the portion of the trail by the junior college. There's an outdoor yoga place along the trail. I've been told that in the fall and spring they have classes out there but I haven't heard anything more about them.
Warrior pose |
After our hike we went downtown to check out the Hatch Chile Festival. The chile festival was pretty fun. They had mariachi band come from Sherman, TX (about 1 hour away) and there were games and activities for the kids. Lots of vendors came and had products made with hatch chiles. You could buy chiles but they also gave out chile sliders as samples. My dad and Guy both got the sliders. They were a little burned the the chile on them was pretty nice. We also sampled some raw organic non filtered honey. It wasn't too bad tasting but it was a little more expensive than I wanted to spend. After checking out the chile festival we toured the down town area. We stopped in one of my favorite shops (Olive Paris) to try out the different olive oil flavors. It's a pretty neat store and my parents both found things in there that they liked.
Fountain downtown |
Afterwards we came back to the house and ate lunch and then played 7 wonders. It's one of my dad's new favorite games. He's desperately hoping that an app will come out soon so he can continue to play it. We ate dinner at a Mexican restaurant in town that we hadn't been tried. The food was pretty good but really filling. We came back, walked Finn and then watched Goosebumps on Netflix. The movie was only rated PG but I wouldn't take young kids to see it. Pretty scary stuff in it, I thought.
On Sunday we went to church and had a nice relaxing sabbath. We also got to Facetime with all of my family. It was nice to be able to talk to them. My parents left early Monday morning for the airport. Guy and I went swimming later that day and we had a few of his coworkers over for dinner. It was a relaxing weekend.