Monday, October 24, 2016

Cy...the cat

Meeting Cy
Around the middle of the month we heard a kitten crying under the shed again. This is the second kitten that we've had. This one was a grey and white male and we had no idea where he came from. We discussed keeping it but neither Guy or I wanted to deal with a cat. We decided to chuck it over the fence into our neighbor's yard. Our neighbor loves cats and so we figured it was a good shot for him to survive. We it lived in their yard for about 12 hours until I caught it digging it's way under the fence back into our yard! Finn was thrilled; Guy and I were both rather annoyed. After talking at length, Guy and I decided that the cat could stay if it learned to hunt. We weren't going to feed it but if it wanted to live under the shed we wouldn't stop it from doing so.

Cy crawling back under the fence
Our thought was that it would be great at catching and maybe eating all of the crawdads in our yard. Finn was beyond thrilled because he got a new play thing. We decided to name the kitten Cy because it's eye was partially closed so it looked like it was seeing only with one eye. It usually hung out under the shed unless Finn and I were outside then it would come and be closer to us. Finn loved chasing it and pouncing on him. He was doing pretty well holding it's own. During meal times, Cy would cry by the backdoor waiting for us to feed him. I felt bad for the little dude but we didn't want to feed him. Cy tried to come in several times, but did better as we pushed him away from the door. One morning Guy took Finn out to go to the bathroom, Cy was curled up in a corner by the door (it had been cold that night). Guy thought he was dead (since he had been looking bad for a while) so he touched him. Cy let out this low moan. When I took Finn out a few hours later there were ants crawling all over Cy, so I touched him and he moaned a little. I felt bad so I picked him up and moved him into a bucket with some weeds (so it was a little more comfortable). A few hours later I went back to check on him and he had passed. We both felt bad that he had died, but we're glad he's in a better place now. We miss having him around a little but I think Finn misses him the most. He occasionally goes and looks for him under/by the shed. Here are a few pictures of him and Finn.

Cy crawled through!

Finn chasing Cy 

We miss having him around a little but I think Finn misses him the most. He occasionally goes and looks for him under/by the shed. RIP Cy the kitten. Thanks for putting up with Finn's rough ways. We know it wasn't easy being dragged around like a chew toy. 

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